North Ft Myers Gopher Tortoise Survey
ETE just completed a gopher tortoise burrow survey, 44 burrows were identified and marked for future excavation and off-site relocation.

Punta Gorda Commons Tortoise Excavation
ETE recently conducted a tortoise excavation project in Punta Gorda, Fl. Four hatchlings and one juvenile gopher tortoise were excavated from their burrows to be relocated to a long term recipient site.

FGCU Preserve Maintenance
ETE is conducting a preserve maintenance project at FGCU to control exotic and nuisance species. We will be performing semiannual maintenance within 487.87 acres of preserve. In addition, we also will be performing trail maintenance, firebreak…

Nursery Aquaponics System

Ft Myers Beach Seagrass Survey
ETE recently conducted a seagrass survey for the Ft Myers Beach navigation channel. We assessed the channel for the presence of seagrass and other benthic resources. We also mapped the limits of seagrass on adjacent shoals.

Manatee County Seagrass Survey
ETE recently assisted Coastal Engineering with a seagrass and hard-bottom survey in Manatee County for the West Coast Inland Navigation District.

Collier County Gopher Tortoise Relocation
ETE recently excavated tortoises from a church property in Naples. We successfully relocated 10 gopher tortoises to a long term recipient site under a permit from FWC.

Golden Gate Estates Gopher Tortoise Relocation
ETE has recently excavated tortoises from a single family property in Golden Gate Estates. We found several hatchlings during this excavation that were relocated with the adults.

Bonita Springs Gopher Tortoise Relocation
ETE has recently excavated tortoises from a property in Bonita Springs. We excavated over 20 burrows on the property. It was the first time we've encountered green iguanas in tortoise burrows.

Marco Island Gopher Tortoise Onsite Relocation
ETE has recently conducted an onsite relocation for a couple gopher tortoises on a single-family lot in Marco Island. Six (6) burrows were excavated, with four (4) gopher tortoises captured. In the case of an onsite relocation, the tortoises…