Clam Pass Dredging
ETE recently finished assisting with the 2022 Clam Pass Dredging project. ETE provided environmental monitoring services such as turbidity monitoring and shorebird monitoring. The dredging has greatly increased water flow through…

Ft. Myers Harbor Dredging Project
In late July ETE began working alongside Cavache Inc. on the dredging of Matanzas Pass located at Bowditch Point State Park, the Northernmost point of Fort Myers Beach. These dredging projects, which occur at almost every pass and channel boaters…

Contract Award
ETE has been awarded a new 3 year contract to continue as the biological monitors for the Clam Bay Estuary. We have been the biological monitors for that last 3 years. Our monitoring services include:
Mangrove Monitoring
Exotic &…

Clam Pass
ETE is providing multiple services for the 2018 Clam Pass emergency dredge project. ETE is coordinating between Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD) and the dredging contractor, Cavache. ETE provides daily shorebird monitoring services and…

Shorebird Monitoring
ETE is currently conducting shorebird monitoring for the Clam Pass dredging project. The monitoring includes a daily check for potential nesting activity in and around the project work area. It's great opportunity to observe some of the…

Big Carlos Pass Shorebird Monitoring
Earth Tech Environmental is conducting shorebird monitoring in response to the Big Carlos Channel Realignment project. Composed of a team of dedicated individuals with proven shorebird identification skills, ETE monitors the beach 7 days a week…

Clam Pass Shorebird Monitoring
As part of the Clam Pass dredging project, ETE is providing daily shorebird monitoring. ETE monitors the beach work locations each morning prior to equipment being moved in order to make sure no shorebird nesting has taken place in areas…

Clam Pass Dredging
As part of the Clam Pass dredging project taking place during the month of April, ETE is providing a variety of monitoring and permit compliance services to the Pelican Bay Services Division. These include pre-construction seagrass surveys,…