Listed Species Services

  • Gopher Tortoise

    ETE has five (5) Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved gopher tortoise agents on staff.  ETE can provide gopher tortoise surveys on properties of all sizes and if necessary, assist with onsite or offsite relocation permits through FWC.  Once permits are received, ETE can provide excavation or bucket trapping services to capture tortoises for relocation.  ETE can also coordinate with FWC gopher tortoise recipient sites and provide after action reporting to FWC.

  • Bald Eagle

    ETE has several experienced bald eagle monitors on staff.  We can provide bald eagle monitoring during the nesting season of October 15th to May 15th each year.  Having a bald eagle monitor present may allow a property owner to continue construction during the bald eagle nesting season.  ETE monitors use United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) standard techniques and reporting forms.

  • Burrowing Owls

    ETE can provide burrowing owl surveys and permitting through FWC.  Burrowing owls are common in two cities in Southwest Florida; Marco Island & Cape Coral.  ETE has a FWC registered agent for burrowing owls on staff.  We can perform surveys for presence\absence during due diligence and assist with site planning, permitting, and burrow removal.

  • Bonneted Bat

    ETE can perform bonneted bat cavity \ roost surveys and acoustic surveys as required by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).  ETE utilizes a pole mounted peeper camera to determine occupancy of cavities in trees.  Passive acoustic surveys record bat calls during the night which are run through sophisticated software to identify species of bats that may occur on a property.

  • Shorebird Monitoring

    ETE has several FWC approved shorebird monitors on staff.  We can provide shorebird monitoring services for work on beach related permits during the nesting season.

  • Crested Caracara Surveys

    ETE has several USFWS approved caracara monitors on staff.

  • Manatee Monitoring

    ETE has USACE approved manatee monitors on staff for dredging projects.