Campbell Peck is an ETE ecologist who does a variety of fieldwork for Earth Tech Environmental, ranging from protected species surveys, water sampling, and wetland determinations. Now he can officially branch out and take his talents to Florida’s coastal ecosystems!

Campbell has recently obtained his Six-Pack Captain’s License to use for marine operations. Per definition, the Six-Pack Captain’s License allows the holder to carry up to six paying passengers plus crew on uninspected vessels up to 100 gross tons, hence the term six-pack. These are usually recreational vessels that are normally engaged in charter fishing, scuba diving, or tour cruises. ETE won’t be utilizing the licenses in these ways, but in the use of efficiently operating a vessel under the gained knowledge of coastal navigation, deck knowledge, and rules of the water.

Projects in which boats are needed/helpful include turbidity monitoring, seagrass surveys, getting access to mangroves that are not reachable by foot, and artificial reef fish counts that will include scuba diving.