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Verification of Exemption (VOE) Submission to FDEP

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Product Details

Earth Tech Environmental will make a submittal to FDEP to request verification as to whether a development activity qualifies for an exemption from the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) requirements of Sections 373.406 or 403.813(1) of the Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Rule 62-330.051 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).

  • CLIENT / OWNER understands that permitting is a regulatory function and Earth Tech Environmental cannot guarantee the outcome of the Agency’s findings.
  • This task DOES include the FDEP VOE Application Fee.
  • FDEP may require the property corners or development footprint to be staked in the field for their confirmation of the UEV. Staking of the property is not included in the base price for this task.
  • For those that would like to save time and potentially prevent a request for additional information (RAI), an option is provided above that adds staking to the VOE at a reduced price. This staking is for permitting purposes and is not to be used for construction.
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