Ecological Restoration in Estero
ETE recently started a preserve restoration project in Estero. The property contains over 10 acres of wetland and uplands preserves and needs extensive exotic removal activities.

FGCU Preserve Maintenance
ETE is conducting a preserve maintenance project at FGCU to control exotic and nuisance species. We will be performing semiannual maintenance within 487.87 acres of preserve. In addition, we also will be performing trail maintenance, firebreak…

Babcock Ranch Planting

Babcock Ranch New Mitigation Areas
ETE is now treating additional mitigation areas for Babcock Ranch Community. These additional areas total over 3,000 acres of initial exotic removal in addition to the previous 1,500 Acres managed by ETE over the years. These new mitigation…

Babcock Ranch Habitat Restorations
Our team recently completed multiple habitat restorations at the Babcock Ranch Community, where we removed non-native plant species and replaced them with over 15,000 native plants in nine different preserve areas. All plants came from our own…

Happy 15th Birthday, ETE!
In 2021, Earth Tech Environmental celebrates 15 years in business! From humble beginnings in a single-room office to a property expansion and flourishing native plant nursery, we are going stronger than ever! A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to our…

Sabal Palm Restoration Planting
ETE has recently performed a large scale restoration effort in Collier County off of Sabal Palm Road on a site that was previously an active mining operation. The previous owner over excavated about 9 acres outside of the permitted mining operations…

Babcock Ranch Contract Extension
ETE has been awarded a contract renewal for Babcock Ranch, adding approximately 1000 additional acres to the habitat we manage.
The Babcock Ranch project entails land management and mitigation restoration activities that includes exotic vegetation…

The Value of Native Plants
What do creeping oxeye, Caesarweed, and golden dewdrops all have in common?
If you said that they are all beautiful plants you would be…WRONG! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and while these plants may…

Staff Highlight – Certified Environmental Scientist, Auston Germano
Auston Germano is one of Earth Tech Environmental’s ecologists who puts his boots in about everything, but specializes in gopher tortoises, preserve management, and vegetation monitoring.
Auston has recently attained a Certified…