ETE has recently performed a large scale restoration effort in Collier County off of Sabal Palm Road on a site that was previously an active mining operation. The previous owner over excavated about 9 acres outside of the permitted mining operations zone. Collier County required them to restore the area that was disturbed, and decided to create a natural habitat in its place. With the 9 acres of restoration, an additional 20 acres was added for exotic removal maintenance throughout the property.

ETE imported 10,500 cubic yards of clean fill to create forested wetlands, forested uplands, and herbaceous zones within the 9 acre restoration area.

Many plant species were planted, from wetland species such as bald cypress, pond apple, maidencane, and spikerush to various upland species such as slash pine, cocoplum, and saw palmetto. 6.6 acres were designated to be wetlands, while the remaining 1.1 acres were to become uplands.

A total of 53,157 plants were planted within the restoration area! In addition to completing the planting, ETE will also provide ecological monitoring and treat the site for exotics over the next 5 years.

Great job to the Ecosystem Restoration Services team! Tune in to the News page for future progression updates on this planting site, and for more of what we do!